Bermuda Utama is introducing an advanced and innovative tool in the field of Non-Destructive Testing that uses Acoustic Waves to evaluate
the integrity of tubes in heat exchangers, boilers, chillers, reactors etc

Advanced Tube Integrity Inspection Technology

Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry Inspection System is a technology dealing with propagation of specially designed acoustic waves in tubes. Changes in the tube cross-section generate reflections. Identifying and analysing those reflections enable monitoring of the tube integrity. This analysis is based on the fact that every defect has its unique signature. This is schematically shown below along with a schematic of reflection signatures oftypical flaws such as holes/leakages


Typical Applications The APR Technology can provide inspection services to industries that have heat exchangers, boilers,
chillers, reactors. Some of them are

Our technicians, with the help of a computerized inspection system and an- advanced software are able to detect internal tube flaws such as holes/leakages, blockages, erosions andpitting with a great deal of precision and speed(Less than 10 seconds per tube!). Monitoring your tubes condition will help you increase your productivity and efficiency.

Able to inspect complex tube formation: u-tubes, u-tube bends, fin fans, y & t joints

The main challenge faced by current NDT techniques is the physical probe being stuck in u bends, t joints of complex tube geometries. But, APR inspection is effective in these scenarios as sound waves are used as virtual probes


The existing NDT techniques like Eddy Current testing, can take about 5 minutes to inspect tubes depending on the tube length, geometry & cleaning. However the APR system can inspect tubes in less than 10 seconds irrespective of their length.

Current NOT techniques like Eddy Current Testing, RFT can be carried out for
specific materials with specific properties. APR can inspect tubes of any material like plastic, graphite because the system makes use of sound waves asa probe

is internationally service provider with range of activities based in cilegon area . Our main focus lies on inspection & advanced NDT service

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